
Bulelani Ngcuka

On the establishment of the ANC Constitutional Committee in 1990 and its connection with the Community Law Centre. #DOI30yrs

Albie Sachs (Former associate of the Community Law Centre)

Albie Sachs, former associate of the Centre and former judge of South Africa’s Constitutional Court (1994-2009). On the Centre as the engine room of the intellectual foundation for the new Constitution…and on combining dreaming, imagining and ‘nuggety research’.

The Community Law Centre, Est. 1990

The Dullah Omar Institute turns 30 this year! Albie Sachs, Bulelani Ngcuka, Brigitte Mabandla, Renfrew Christie, Nicolette Naylor, Frans Viljoen & Vincent Saldanha recall the founding of the Community Law Centre in 1990 and its journey to becoming the Dullah Omar Institute.

Webinar on Municipal Budgeting and Planning During COVID-19

The first of a series of webinars on local government and COVID-19, hosted by the Dullah Omar Institute and the International Budget Partnership, took place on 04 June 2020, in partnership with the South African Local Government Association.

Webinar Video: Local Government and COVID-19

On 14 April 2020, the Dullah Omar Institute, together with the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) hosted a Webinar on Local Government & COVID-19. With more than 100 participants, including Ms Bogatsu (MM Frances Baard District Municipality) and Mr Lance Joel (COO: SALGA), we discussed the impact of the lockdown on municipal services, finance & governance.

SOE Failures, Accountability and You

South Africans have been faced with and negatively affected by SOE failures, most recently those of PRASA and Eskom along with the distressing evidence presented at the Zondo Commission of Inquiry.

12th Dullah Omar Memorial Lecture with Higher Education Minister, Naledi Pandor

On 9th of October, Higher Education Minister, Naledi Pandor, delivered the 12th Dullah Omar Memorial Lecture at the University of the Western Cape. She said, Adv Dullah Omar is one of the less-referred-to stalwarts of the liberation movement. Yet his influence on our history and still emerging democracy continues to be felt long after his passing.