Transparency in local government procurement during COVID-19

The Dullah Omar Institute hosted a webinar on Transparency in local government procurement during COVID-19 on 15 July 2020, which attracted practitioners, researchers and civil society actors.

Some of the speakers included: Dr Krish Kumar (CFO, eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality), Ms Basani Duiker (Chief Director, Office of the Chief Procurement Officer, National Treasury), Ms Shumani Luruli (Programme Coordinator, Planact), Ms Carlene van der Westhuizen (Senior Research Analyst, IBPSA) and Ms Carey Kluttz (Head of Country Programmes, Open Contracting Partnership). Here is the link to the recording of the webinar as well as to the presentation by Ms Kluttz, who made a strong case for open contracting.

Here is the link to Carey's presentation: