Every year thousands of people in Africa are arrested and detained in Africa for pettyoffences, many dating back to colonial times such as being ‘a rogue and vagabond’.
As part of our 25th Anniversary, we collected the perspectives of a range of individuals who all have in common that they were associated with the Community Law Centre and/or with our founding Director, the late Adv Dullah Omar.
On a Centre that is “for all of Africa”, academic and engaged in social justice.
On helping to write a Constitution in a time of war
On ensuring the Constitution included children’s rights and on 15 years of law reform towards the Child Justice Act and the Children’s Act.
On a 15-year long collaboration with the Community Law Centre on human rights and democratisation in Africa
On CLC as the research angle for the liberation movement and on shaping the local government system as we know it.
On working for Dullah Omar as an intern, Amy Biehls’ tragic death and how it sparked thinking on restorative justice