
Op-ed: The National Prosecuting Authority is in crisis and is failing in its core business — the prosecution of suspects
Published: 24 Jan 2022
The NPA is perhaps one of the most unaccountable institutions of state. While the decision to prosecute is reviewed by a court, the decision not to prosecute is taken in secrecy and it is this decision, not to prosecute, that is perhaps even more important than the decision to prosecute.
National Prosecuting Authority Op-ed ACJR Op-ed ACJR Publication
#WomenCount – SA still falling short of gender parity for councillors
Author: Lenina Rassool
Published: 17 Nov 2021
Turning the lens on gender in the local government elections, an analysis of elected candidates shows that the only space where women led was in voter registration numbers. Post-election, the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) has revealed that while more women than men registered to vote in every province, female councillors only made up 37% of elected councillors.