The Guiding Principles on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights (2012)

In September 2012, the Human Rights Council adopted the Guiding Principles on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights (A/HRC/21/39).

In September 2012, the Human Rights Council adopted the Guiding Principles on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights (A/HRC/21/39). For the first time, the principles provide global policy guidance on a rights-based approach to addressing the challenge of extreme poverty. The guiding pricinciples provide a practical guidance on how to operationalise the obligations of States and non-state actors to respect, protect and fulfill the rights of persons living in extreme poverty, who are often marginalised and vulnerable. The document provides an opportunity for states to design and implement poverty reduction strategies that are rooted in human rights norms and principles. It also, addresses the difficulties states and the international community face in reaching those living in extreme poverty.

For further information, visit the OHCHR website at: