Knowing & claiming your right to food, 2nd. edition

Food is a basic human need. Everyone needs it to survive. Hunger can lead to death. People also need food to lead healthy and active lives. Everyone needs food to be able to grow, learn, perform physical activities, work, and participate in social and political activities. This updated booklet is now available for download in four languages.

For children, food is essential to their development and realising their full potential. Malnutrition is responsible for most child deaths because it affects a child’s life, health, physical and mental wellbeing, and development. Children who experience malnutrition in early childhood are usually unable to pay attention in school and may not do well. They also have difficulty finding employment. All in all, we need food not only to live, but also to have healthy and productive lives.

[excerpt taken from the Introduction of the booklet]

This booklet is available in the following languages:

  • English
  • Afrikaans
  • IsiXhosa
  • IsiZulu

You can obtain them here.