Latest issue of Local Government Bulletin is now available

The July/ August 2008 issue has articles on bulk electricity prices, guidelines for multilingualism in local government, local AIDS councils, and much more.
  • Xenophobic violence and local government - Editorial
  • Bulk Electricity Prices, Exemptions & the Demise of Local Democracy?
  • Ward committees revisited: Local Government Laws Amendment Bill On Ward Committees And Other Matters
  • Land Use Management Bill: A First Step Towards Ending Spatial Fragmentation?
  • Guidelines For Multilingualism in Local Government: Ambitious Rhetoric or a Realisable Goal?
  • Local AIDS councils: New Developments Towards Better Functioning
  • From the Courts: Who can suspend The municipal manager?
  • The Constitutionalisation of local government - Keynote Address of Justice Pius Langa, Chief Justice of South Africa, at the launch of Local Government Law of South Africa, 28 May 2008
  • Local governance in Zambia

Contact Ms Valma Hendricks for a subscription to the Local Government Bulletin.