Local Government Law of South Africa Launched!

Prof Nico Steytler and Prof Jaap de Visser's book offers a comprehensive analysis of local government law specifically for legal practitioners, municipal officials, national and provincial officials involved in local government matters.
The Local Government Project of the Community Law Centre, in association with Lexis Nexis, launched the Local Government Law of South Africa publication at the Centre for the Book in Cape Town on 29th of May 2008.

The Honourable Chief Justice Pius Langa's written keynote address focused on the significance of the constitutionalisation of local government from a democratic and development perspective. The panel discussion debated whether the volume of local government law served as an aid, or barrier, to democracy and development. Panelists included Advocate Geoff Budlender, Advocate Jan Koekemoer, Mr Mbulelo Tshangana of the Western Cape Department of Local Government and Housing and Mr Rodney Africa from Webber Wentzel incorporating Mallinicks.

The Minister of Public Enterprises, Mr Alec Irwin, as well as the MEC for Local Government and Housing in the Western Cape, Mr Richard Dyantyi, also attended the Launch. 

Order a copy of the Local Government Law of South Africa today!