Dr Mandlate contributes to a portuguese book on human rights in Africa

The Dullah Omar Institute’s Dr Aquinaldo Mandlate’s and other experts from Angola and Norway jointly edited a book titled Direitos Humanos num Relance (Human Rights In A Nutshell), which was launched in Luanda (Angola) in April 2016. The book was published by SILABO and it is Portuguese version of the Human Rights in a Nutshell publication by Associate Prof Njal Høstmælingen, Director of the International Law and Policy Institute in Norway.

The book is based on the assertion that the understanding of human rights is crucial for individuals in all comers of the world regardless of the human rights record of their respective countries. It starts from the point that often violation of human rights occurs due to the fact that right holders’ lack knowledge of their basic rights. In this book it is pointed out that, even state officials who are responsible to enforce or protect and ensure the enjoyment of human rights lack comprehensive understanding of the content of their duties and the rights they are supposed to protect. As a result, massive violation occur stimulating a system of impunity and suffering.

The book provides an overview of international and regional human rights laws instruments as well as monitoring mechanisms ascribed to these rights. It also provides examples of how states can ensure domestic implementation of human rights standards. The overall objective of the Portuguese translated version of the Human Rights in a Nutshell is to share knowledge and understanding of human rights standards and institutions with the Portuguese readership and thereby promote the realisation of human rights in Portuguese speaking countries. 

Adding the international global and European regional treaty law and jurisprudence explored in earlier versions of the book. It also explores new features including jurisprudence from the acclaimed African Commission on Human and People’s Rights, cases decided by the African Committee on the Rights and Welfare of the Child as well as domestic case law extracted from Portuguese jurisdictions.