CSPRI researchers participate at the crime and criminal justice conference

Civil Society Prison Reform Initiative researchers Gwénaëlle Dereymaeker and Jean Redpath presented papers at the 2014 international conference on National and International Perspectives on Crime Reduction and Criminal Justice hosted by the Institute for Security Studies (ISS).

 The conference was opened by South Africa’s Public Protector, Advocate Thuli Madonsela. Presenters at the conference presented on topics ranging from violence prevention, understanding public violence, improving policing and tackling police brutality to correctional reform, reducing corruption, terrorism, and strengthening victim support.

There was also a panel discussion on violence, injustice and inequality in countries such as South Africa that are burdened by a history of colonialism and oppression; and how to explain high levels of violence in South African society.

Dereymaeker’s presentation was titled: When civil damages replace prosecutions for violence committed by law enforcement officials: effective accountability or de facto impunity? The presentation looked at all contingent liabilities for claims made by private individuals. Jean Redpath was titled: Unsustainable and unjust: criminal justice policy and remand detention in South Africa since 1994

This was the 5th event of its kind hosted by the ISS and featured more than 50 local and international experts in the field of criminology.