Civic Protest Barometer makes a series of headlines on Daily Maverick

In the past few weeks Civic Protest Barometer (CPB)has drawn significant attention from the media, civil society, and state bodies since its publication. This week Daily Maverick started doing a series of articles based on the barometer.

Here are the links to recent articles on civic protests by a journalist from the Daily Maverick, in which MLGI research features prominently. It is the first three in a series of five articles that the journalist is writing on protests
The Civic Protest Barometer, Episode One: Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics

The Civic Protest Barometer, Episode Two: So, what is a public protest?

The Civic Protest Barometer, Episode Three: What causes residents to revolt?

According to the lead researcher of this report, Dr Derek Powell, the CPB does more than put credible data and analysis on the protest trends into the public domain. "It introduces the new concept of "civic protest" as an analytical framework. This is a new concept of international law and policy on peace and conflict that sets us up nicely to do cross-country comparative research on civic protests.

The CPB has also begun to investigate the validity of various causal hypotheses in the public domain about the causes of protests. Drawing on our massive data set of 3000 variable on all aspects of the state, we can undertake regression analysis on a huge number of other institutional variables to determine correlation and causation. The current edition addresses the theory that protests signal a rebellion of the poor."