A5I consultation meetings in Bujumbura and Pretoria
The aim of these initial workshops was to bring together stakeholders from government, NHRIs and civil society organisations of each respective country to ...
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A5I Domestic Implementation Package launch meetings in Cape Town and Bujumbura
The purpose of the third workshop was to launch the final version of the DIPs in all A5I target countries. This took place on 13-14 November 2013 in Cape Town, ...
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A5I expert review meetings in Cape Town and Bujumbura
The aim of the second set of workshops was to receive feedback from designated expert reviewers, who reviewed completed DIPs. The DIPS has been completed by ...
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A5I torture prevention seminars in Cape Town and Burundi
The aim of the fourth workshop in South Africa was to consult on the draft Plan of Action developed during the third consultations, and obtain buy-in from key ...
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CSPRI co-hosts seminar on allocation of policing resources in South Africa
The Khayelitsha Commission of Inquiry recommended that the South African Police Service (SAPS) review the allocation of police resources across South Africa, ...
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CSPRI conducts training in Lilongwe on new case flow documentation for Malawi
On 27-30 July 2015 CSPRI assisted in the training of a mobile training unit which is to roll out new case folders, registers and court diaries across Malawi.
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CSPRI conducts training on qualitative and quantitative research
On 10 and 11 June 2015 CSPRI trained students and staff at the Universidade Edouardo Mondlane (UEM) in Maputo.
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CSPRI hosts workshop for the drafting of a shadow report on South Africa for the UN Human Rights Committee
The UN Human Rights Committee is the body mandated to oversee the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in states party to ...
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CSPRI hosts workshop on pre-trial detention indicators for Africa
On 20-22 May 2015 CSPRI hosted a workshop with partners from across Africa to discuss indicators for pre-trial justice in Africa.
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CSPRI launches project on constitutionality of criminal procedure
On 18 and 19 May 2015, CSPRI hosted a seminar in Cape Town with experts in constitutional law and criminal procedure law from Burundi, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, ...
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