A5I consultation meetings in Bujumbura and Pretoria

The aim of these initial workshops was to bring together stakeholders from government, NHRIs and civil society organisations of each respective country to discuss the contents of the UNCAT and to present the draft Domestication and Implementation Package (DIP). Participants met in Bujumbura, Burundi, on 8-9 August 2012 and Pretoria, South Africa, on 28-29 August 2012.

The participants examined the draft DIP and provided feedback and made suggestions for amendments, which were integrated into version 2 of the Draft DIP.

The DIP is divided into four parts, reflecting the four international obligations relating to the prevention, prohibition and eradication of torture. These are the obligation to combat impunity, the obligation to prevent torture and other ill-treatment, the obligation to provide redress to victims and the obligation to report to international treaty monitoring bodies. Each part of the DIP consists of (1) a Guidance Note detailing the obligations on States contained in the UNCAT and the Robben Island Guidelines (RIG), (2) a checklist, which contains a list of questions about measures that should be implemented in order to comply with the UNCAT and the RIG, (3) a Reporting Tool, and (4) a template for developing guidelines for reform.