CSPRI co-hosts seminar on allocation of policing resources in South Africa

The Khayelitsha Commission of Inquiry recommended that the South African Police Service (SAPS) review the allocation of police resources across South Africa, after finding that the comparative allocation to Khayelitsha compared to other policing areas was irrational and unjust. To date neither the relevant Minister nor the SAPS has responded to the Commission Report.

The seminar, co-hosted by CSPRI, Ndifuna Ukwazi and the Social Justice Coalition, sought to provide participants with an opportunity to better understand the reasons for the findings of the Commission and to discuss further steps in promoting the equitable and effective allocation of SAPS resources. The seminar was attended inter alia by the Western Cape Department of Community Safety as well as approximately 100 participants from under-resourced areas of the Western Cape. Jean Redpath of CSPRI provided a summary presentation of her evidence given before the Khayelitsha Commission.