Webinar on the Impact of Covid-19 on South Africa's Metros [ 18 February 2021]
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Webinar on the Impact of Covid-19 on South Africa's Metros [ 24 February 2021]
The Applied Constitutional Study Laboratory (ACSL) and the Socio-Economic Rights Project (SERP) at the Dullah Omar Institute together with the Faculty of Law ...
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Webinar on The Numbers Gang in South African Correctional Facilities: Reflections on Structures, Functions and Culture [25 April 2023]
The presence of an elaborate network of members of the so-called Numbers Gang is a well-known phenomenon in South African correctional facilities or prisons in ...
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Webinar on The Right to Public Spaces and Informal Work: Key considerations for Law & Policy-Making [28 June 2023]
The Africa Criminal Justice Reform (ACJR) in collaboration with the Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO) hereby cordially invites ...
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Webinar on the Sub-national Government and the Criminalisation of Poverty & Status: Defining the problem [4 April 2023]
ACJR hereby cordially invites you to the first of a series of webinars on sub-national governance and the criminalisation of poverty and status.
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Webinar on What is the data telling us about crime? [15 August 2023]
Ahead of the scheduled release by the South African Police Service (SAPS) of the latest Quarterly Crime data, Dr Jean Redpath takes a look at what we can learn ...
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Webinar Series: Key issues in the NPA - Are we understanding the problem correctly? [15 - 18 March 2022]
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Webinar series: Our Voices Matter - Impact of the lockdown on gender-based violence in disadvantaged communities [6 October 2020]
The Socio-Economic Rights Project at the Dullah Omar Institute, University of Western Cape, invites you to a webinar with the theme ‘Our Voices Matter’, to ...
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Webinar to commemorate the life of Dulcie September [29 March 2021]
The South African Embassy in France, inpartnership with the Dullah Omar Institute of the University of the Western Cape, cordially invites you to a Webinar to ...
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Webinar: “Not my Riot - SAPS, local government and crowd management" [1 August 2024]
Reflecting on the proposed revised national policing standards for Municipal Police Services on crowd management during gatherings and demonstrations.
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