NGC Webinar Series: Nature's Constitutional Right to Exist - As Nature? [10 June 2022]
The Applied Constitutional Study Laboratory (ACSL) at the Dullah Omar Institute together with the Global Environmental Law Centre (GELC), University of the ...
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Prisoners’ right to vote in Africa [19 November 2020]
Webinar Invitation: Prisoners’ right to vote in Africa
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Provincial and local government and policing: the draft SAPS Amendment Bill [11 November 2020]
Africa Criminal Justice Reform (ACJR) is hosting a virtual meeting on 11 November 2020 on 'Provincial and local government and policing: the draft SAPS ...
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Putting the ‘People’ in People’s Parliament: Lessons, Challenges and Successes from a Four-year Civil Society Project to Increase Engagement in the Legislatures [25 November 2021]
We invite you to join us in conversation with other civil society organisations and elected representatives on the successes, challenges and lessons ...
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Report Launch: COVID-19 restrictions and the impact on criminal justice and human rights - findings from five African countries [28 July 2022]
Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa & Zambia
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Report Launch & Dialogue: Why are municipalities not publishing procurement information on their websites and the eTender Portal? [7 June 2023]
The Dullah Omar Institute (DOI), in collaboration with the International Budget Partnership-South Africa (IBP-SA), invites you to a webinar.
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SARChI DIALOGUE SERIES: “The arrest and prosecution of Heads of State for International Crimes” [7 August 2023]
The Dullah Omar Institute invites you to a SARChI DIALOGUE SERIES: “The arrest and prosecution of Heads of State for International Crimes”
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Seminar on Exploring the Substantive Content of Socio-Economic Rights: Should the Constitutional Court Change Tack? [24 April 2023]
The Faculty of Law, University of the Western Cape, in conjunction with the Dullah Omar Institute, University of the Western Cape, cordially invites you to a ...
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Seminar: National development planning, local government and the rights of special groups in Uganda [16 February 2023]
The Dullah Omar Institute invites you to a Seminar on the National development planning, local government and the rights of special groups in Uganda.
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Seminar on Assessing the Impact of Social Rights Litigation in South Africa: With Particular Reference to Constitutional Court Jurisprudence [14 August 2023]
The Faculty of Law, University of the Western Cape, in conjunction with the Dullah Omar Institute, University of the Western Cape, cordially invites you to a ...
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