Prosecution agencies across the world enjoy varying degrees of independence from the government of the day. In cases of corruption involving state actors and those dealing with the state, their autonomy is crucial to ensure impartiality and public trust.
Challenges and principles to improve policy and law-making
The African School of Decentralisation, the LPSA Sub-Saharan Africa Working Group, the Dullah Omar Institute at the University of the Western Cape, and the Centre for Federalism and Governance Studies at Addis Ababa University have organized a special meeting on “Elevating the Debate and Catalyzing Action: Towards a Pan African Network of Decentralization Advocates.”
This roundtable is organised by the Bridging the Gap Coalition under the Women’s Platform. The roundtable on Obstetric Violence (OV) will build on prior discussions from the 78th ACHPR session to advance the use of regional human rights mechanisms in addressing the OV in Africa. The session will explore how the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) can be leveraged to strengthen advocacy, develop normative standards, and hold states accountable for their obligations to protect women from OV. The roundtable shape future strategies for engaging regional mechanisms to combat obstetric violence across Africa.
The African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD), in collaboration with the Dullah Omar Institute at the University of Western Cape, will convene a seminar titled 'Coalition Governance in Western Cape Municipalities: A South African Blueprint?'
Please join us on 6 August from 14h30 to 16h30 to listen to Prof Rod Uphoff (University of Missouri) for his insights on American politics and the presidential election of 2024. He will also answer questions on Trump’s legal cases.
Reflecting on the proposed revised national policing standards for Municipal Police Services on crowd management during gatherings and demonstrations.
The SARChl Chair in Multilevel Government, Law and Development at the Dullah Omar Institute, in collaboration with the Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office and the Hanns Seidel Foundation invites you to a webinar.