Sofie Baker Djoumessi Kenfack - International Relations Institute of Cameroon

La responsabilité du juge dans l'avènement d'une gouvernance constitutionnelle en Afrique (The responsibility of the judge in the development of constitutional governance in Africa)

Two dimensions to the rule of law: formal (respect for the rule of law by state authorities) and substantive (effective guarantees of fundamental rights). Both must be included in a constitution to ensure constitutional governance. The latter is often ignored in Africa, but might change with the adoption of the African Charter on democracy, elections and governance. Democracy cannot effectively exist without an independent judge in charge of guaranteeing compliance with constitutional norms and values. Have African judges so far realised the importance of building strong constitutional governance?

About Sofie Baker Djoumessi Kenfack
International litigations specialist, Sofie Baker is holder of a Masters degree in international relations and international disputes of the International Relations Institute of Cameroon. Prior to that, she graduated from the University of Dschang, Cameroon with a Maîtrise in Public Law and administrative career. She is currently working as legal assistant with an OHADA arbitration tribunal seating in Paris. Since 2010, she is also acting as Secretary Executive of the IDLO Alumni Association. Ms Baker has about five publications on her account and was laureate of the world human rights moot court (1st edition 2009) and the “Charles Rousseau” international law competition (2008).