The Community Law Centre’s Children’s Rights Project is calling for a consultant to produce a concept note for the commemoration of the Day of the African Child (DAC) 2016 on the theme, “Conflict and Crisis in Africa: Protecting all children’s rights”.
The Community Law Centre is calling for consultants to produce a concept note for the commemoration of the Day of the African Child (DAC) 2015 on the theme, “25 Years after the Adoption of the African Children’s Charter: Accelerating our Collective Efforts to End Child Marriage in Africa”.
Prof Ann Skelton and Dr Charmain Badenhorst conducted research on the criminal capacity of children in the South African child justice system. This research is informed by international developments at a United Nations level, together with developments in other countries both on the African continent and elsewhere. The purpose of this research is to add to the debate on the review of the criminal capacity provisions in the Child Justice Act of South Africa, which should take place no later than 2015.
This publication is intended to provide the reader with a simple overview of the contents of the Child Justice Act 75 of 2008 (the Act). It attempts to reduce the ‘legalise’ of the Act; remove constant cross-references to other sections; and bring themes together in a logical and user-friendly manner.
The brochure contains information on the following: What does the New Children's Act do? How does the Children's Act protect our children? How are children protected against HIV, STD'S and unplanned pregnancies? Who must report abuse? What are our parental responsibilities and rights? Who has parental responsibilities and rights? What about child-headed households? What about our cultural and religious practices?
This report represents two separate baseline studies undertaken between 2005 and 2007. The first baseline study was undertaken from June 2005 until the end of September 2005. The second one was conducted from September 2006 until mid-February 2007 (with a break between mid-December and mid-January).