Report Launch: Socio-economic impact of pre-trial detention in Mozambique
This report seeks to show that the deprivation of liberty by the state in the attempt to maintain “law and order” has a clear and measureable socio-economic ...
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Report Launch: Socio-economic impact of pre-trial detention in Zambia
This report seeks to show that the deprivation of liberty by the state in the attempt to maintain “law and order” has a clear and measureable socio-economic ...
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Review of South Africa's Correctional Services Annual Report 2019/2021
16 February 2021: This webinar will review the 2019/2020 Annual Report of South Africa's Correctional Services.
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Review of South Africa's Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services Annual Report 2019/2021
3 March 2021: This webinar will review South Africa's Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services' Annual Report 2019/2021.
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Review of the 2019/20 Annual Report of South Africa's National Prosecuting Authority (NPA)
17 March 2021: This webinar will review the 2019/2020 Annual Report of the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA).
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The one-year ‘unwanted anniversary’ of COVID-19 restrictions: Reviewing the 2020 lockdown
This webinar reviews the imposition of a “hard” lockdown on 26 March 2020 by the South African government. It forms part of a series on the "unwanted ...
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South Africa: Round Table Discussion: Appointing the leadership of the NPA
20 November 2019: Hosted by the Dullah Omar Institute (DOI) and Public Affairs Research Institute (PARI). The Constitution and the NPA Act provide that the ...
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Round-table Discussion: South Africa's prosecuting authority
The work and performance of the National Prosecuting Authority (the NPA), and the appointment process of the National Director of Public Prosecutions.
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Round Table on Prisoners on Remand
25 July: The Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office (South Africa) hosts a round table discussion on prisoners on remand. The programme includes an Introduction ...
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Seminar on the ratification of OPCAT
Organised by the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) and the Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT).
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