ACJR Researchers participate in Civilian Secretariat Reference Group
ACJR has been invited to participate in the research reference group of South Africa's Civilian Secretariat on Police Services. The inaugural meeting in which ...
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Africa and Asia Civil Society Workshop on the United Nations High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2019
27-29 March 2019: The objectives of the workshop include the following: 1. To provide information and data on SDG 16.3 (access to justice) and the HLPF ...
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Alcohol and South Africa's drop in Crime
12 May 2020: ACJR's Jean Redpath was a discussant in a seminar hosted by the Institute for Security Studies discussing the Minister of Police's claim that the ...
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Annual Law Dean's Distinguished Lecture
Imprisoning the Nation: Minimum sentences in South Africa
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Civil society consultation with the UN Special Rapporteur on Health
ACJR, Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR) and the University of Essex host a one-day civil society consultation with the UN Special Rapporteur on Health, on the ...
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Consultative meeting: Assessing the prospects for the decriminalisation and declassification of petty offences in Africa
04 December 2019: Representatives from Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa and Uganda met in Cape Town to review a draft assessment tool developed by Africa Criminal ...
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Continental Conference on Access to Justice for Children in Africa
ACJR will participate in a panel discussion on Criminalisation of Poverty: Vagrancy and Related Laws and their Impact on Children’s Access to Justice at the ...
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Criminal justice, human rights and COVID-19 - a comparative study of measures taken in five African countries: Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa and Zambia
Africa Criminal Justice Reform (ACJR) has produced a compendium of reports on the COVID-19 measures taken in five African countries, namely; Kenya, Malawi, ...
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Criminal Justice Symposium on Sentencing and Bail in South Africa
22 June: Speakers: Justice Edwin Cameron, Venessa Padayachee, Thulani Ndlovu, Jean Redpath. The roundtable will kick off with a panel discussion among the ...
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Delegations of the prosecutorial function to state entities: Expanding prosecution of neglected crimes
This webinar will explore the rationale, law and possibilities for delegation of the prosecution function to appropriate state entities.
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