Bulletin Archives

Volume 11, Issue 2, April/May 2009
Author: MLGA(Community Law Centre)
Published: 16 Nov, 2017
South Africa's Water and Sanitation Provision.
Author: Kate Tissington

“Water is life, sanitation is dignity.” This is the cornerstone of the Strategic Framework for Water Services published by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) in 2003. It also served as the first line of the landmark High Court judgment in the case of Mazibuko and Others v City of Johannesburg and Others (4) SA 471 (W) 2008 (see LGB 10(2), April/May 2008), which dealt with municipalities’ constitutional obligations to deliver water to poor communities.

Framework for Condoning Non-Compliance with Property Rates Act
Author: Prof Nico Steytler

Condonation may be given only on good cause shown and the MEC may impose conditions. However, the MEC must exercise this power within a framework prescribed by the Minister responsible for local government, which was issued by the Minister on 29 April 2009.

From the Courts: The Municipal Manager Supervisory Role Over Bid Committees.
Author: Phoebe Bolton

Bid committees can be described as the engine rooms that give effect to a municipalities’ supply chain management policy. The work of these committees is integral to ensuring that procurement processes not only comply with the regulatory framework governing supply chain management, but also result in fair, equitable, transparent and cost effective procurement of goods and services. The three bid committees that are responsible for driving procurement processes include the Bid Specification Committee (BSC), Bid Evaluation Committee (BEC) and Bid Adjudication Committee (BAC)

New Leaders, Persistant Challenges
Author: Prof Jaap de Visser

The outcome of the elections of 22 April is critical for local government. The success of ‘developmental local government’ depends to a large extent on the choices the incoming national and provincial governments make around local government. For example, the review of provincial and local government, started by former Minister Sydney Mufamadi, will be completed under the auspices of the incoming national government. This article presents some perspectives of the Good Governance Learning Network (GGLN) that the incoming governments and the political parties that populate them may want to consider.

United Response for Local Action on AIDS
Author: Celine Mazars

“Scaling Up for Success” was the theme of the Fourth South African AIDS Conference, held in Durban from 29 March to 3 April 2009. It aimed to “take stock of best practices in treatment and prevention and to scale these up sufficiently to begin to roll back the onslaught in numbers and impact that the epidemic is currently waging in Southern Africa”. Four thousand people from 52 countries attended the conference. The latest research and innovative projects were discussed among social and medical scientists, HIV and AIDS practitioners (including some municipal HIV and AIDS coordinators) and community members involved in HIV programmes.

Upper Limits for Property Rates.
Author: Prof NIco Steytler

The Minister may prescribe a ratio between the rate on residential property and that on any non-residential properties.In terms of the regulations the rate on agricultural properties may not be more than 25% of that imposed on residential properties. Agricultural properties are defined as farm properties used for agricultural purposes, farm properties not used for any purpose, or smallholdings used for agricultural purposes. The term ‘agricultural purpose’ excludes the use of a farm property for the purpose of ecotourism or for the trading in or hunting of game.

Withholding Rates: A New Culture of Non-Payment.
Author: Zamalek Ayele

Rates boycotts, alongside other forms of community protest, were historically linked to the grassroots struggles of communities against the apartheid government. Protest action in various forms – such as rates boycotts, bus boycotts, student protests and community riots – were among the few effective tools available to disempowered communities to voice their dissatisfaction. Those forms of protests – sometimes destructive and violent – conjure up images that are reminiscent of apartheid era activism. Rates withholding is an emerging form of protest that is being utilised increasingly by communities across South Africa.

Wolf in a Sheep's Clothing
Author: Prof Jaap de Visser

Section 156(1) of the Constitution is the basis for the status of local government in the Constitution. It provides that municipalities have authority over the matters listed in Schedules 4B and 5B of the Constitution. Schedules 4B and 5B, in turn, each contain a list of topics called ‘functional areas’. This constitutional protection of local government’s authority sets South Africa apart from most other countries. Usually, local government is not referred to in a constitution.

Volume 11, Issue 1 February 2009
Author: MLGA(Community Law Centre)
Published: 16 Nov, 2017
When Can Bidders With a Bad Track Record Be Rejected?
Author: Phoebe Bolton

There are a number of legislative grounds upon which a municipal manager may reject a tender bid. One such ground is provided in the Municipal Supply Chain Management Regulations. Regulation 38(1) provides that a municipality’s supply chain management policy must provide measures for combating abuse of the supply chain management system. Furthermore, it must enable the municipal manager to reject the bid of a bidder who, during the past five years, has failed to perform satisfactorily on a previous contract with the municipality or municipal entity or any other organ of state. This applies only if written notice has been given to that bidder that its performance was unsatisfactory.

Court Condemns Political Interference in Municipal Appointment.
Author: Prof Jaap de Visser

This judgment deals with the appointment of a municipal manager in a district municipality. It contains the strongest signal yet that the law condemns the practice of appointing municipal managers on the basis of political affiliation rather than suitability for the post.

Fault Lines Around Water Service Delivery.
Author: Kate Tissington

South Africa has one of the most progressive legislative and policy frameworks for water services in the world, which includes a constitutional right of access to water and a national free basic water (FBW) policy. Within this framework, water is conceived of as a social good and a vital part of poverty alleviation within the broader developmental mandate of government. However, when it comes to implementation at the local government level, where water services are located, the reality is quite different.

Gender, HIV Development and the Role of Local Government.
Author: Celine Mazars

Inequality between the sexes is slowing down transformation in South Africa. This inequality is compounded by the fact that women disproportionately bear the brunt of the devastating impact which HIV has on communities and families. The HIV and AIDS epidemic continues to hit the most productive part of the population the hardest. The result is that it also impacts negatively on local government service delivery, in that municipalities have to meet the increasing demand for social services.

The Right to a View.
Author: Annette Christmas

When first confronted by the facts of the case in The Municipality of the City of Cape Town v Reader and Others, one is tempted to think that it is yet another judgment dealing with the notorious question of whether property owners have a ‘right to a view’. This is especially true as the facts bear a striking similarity to earlier judgments that have dealt with this issue. This judgment, however, stops short of deciding whether the applicants are in fact entitled to ‘a view’. It deals rather with the question of whether the appeal procedures set out in section 62 of the Municipal Systems Act afford interested third parties (very often neighbours) affected by the planning decisions of a municipality an adequate platform from which to appeal those decisions.

Volume 10, Issue 5, November 2008.
Author: MLGI(Community Law Centre)
Published: 24 Oct, 2017
Defining "Municipal Health Services" The Powers and Functions Debate Continues.
Author: Annette Christmas

Health services are essential to the well-being and sustainability of every community in South Africa. Municipal health services, in keeping with the development mandate of local government, are listed as a Schedule 4B function in the Constitution. It follows that local government has full executive and legislative authority over this function.

From the Courts: Who Excludes Bidders From Future Contracts?
Author: Phoebe Bolton

The duty to create and maintain a sound supply chain management system is an essential component of the good governance of any municipality. While the Municipal Finance Management Act clearly outlines the type of relationship that should exist between the municipality and those bidding to supply services, it is difficult at times to determine how acts of bribery, for example should be dealt with and the appropriate procedures to be followed when these matters.

Implementing the Property Rates Act: Geeting the Policies, By-laws and Resolutions Right.
Author: Professor Nico Steytler

As from 1 July, all municipalities must implement the Municipal Property Rates Act. This requires all municipalities to have a proper rates policy, which is in turn implemented in a by-law and a rates resolution. Among the municipalities that have implemented the Act thus far there is great confusion about the exact content of the policy and by-law. The danger in this uncertainty is that if the policy and the by-law do not correctly implement the Act, a municipality's ability to enforce payment of rates may be fatally flawed.

Is this Seat Taken? Filling Vacancies During Political Turmoil.
Author: Jaap de Visser

This article outlines the rules dealing with the expulsion and resignation of councillors from their political parties. Central to these rules is the principle that a councillor must vacate office as a councillor when he or she ceases to be a member of the political party.

Legal Briefs.
Author: MLGI(Community Law Centre)

Can an employment contract be valid if a performance agreement has not been concluded?

The End of An Era: The Abolition of Floor Crossing.
Author: Annette Christmas

On 30 June 2008 three important Bills proposing the abolition of the practice of floor-crossing. If passed, the bills will see an end to this much-debated practice and the legislation enables it. They represent the response to a growing chorus of discontent from politicians and members of the public about the impact of floor-crossing.

The Financial Health of Municipalities.
Author: Professor Nico Steytler

In the 2008 Local Government Budgets and Expenditure Review, the National Treasury analyses how municipalities have been funded since 2003/2004 and how they will be funded until 2009/2010. It does the same for the expenditure patterns of municipalities. This article highlights just a few important issues from a comprehensive review.

Volume 10, Issue 4, October 2008
Author: Tinashe
Published: 19 Oct, 2017
Are ward committees working? Insights from six case studies
Author: Terence Smith

Ward committees were introduced after the December 2000 municipal elections to supplement the role of elected councillors. As such, they were intended to create a bridge between communities and the political and administrative structures of municipalities. Many observers argue, however, that ward committees are not functioning as intended and that instead of enhancing the environment of participatory governance, these structures have actually undermined it by displacing many other channels for public participation.

Councillors' individual liability
Author: Jaap de Visser

On 11 June 2008, the Cape High Court handed down a judgment that set an important precedent about councillors’ individual liability for taking or supporting illegal decisions.

Heeding the call for sustainable energy use putting solar energy to work
Author: Jaap de Visser

Energy experts agree that the installation of domestic solar water heaters (SWHs) could significantly reduce the demand for electricity. The figures suggest that a roll-out of SWHs could eliminate the need for one large coal power station (and thus significantly reduce CO2 emissions).

Can a municipality levy taxes retrospectively
Author: Community Law Centre

Generally, a municipality may only levy taxes (other than property rates) in terms of empowering legislation. The Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Act (Act 12 of 2007) outlines a procedure whereby a municipality may apply to the National Treasury for approval to impose new taxes.

Politics of change: Keeping the genie in the bottle
Author: Jaap de Visser

Over the past weeks, the impact of the leadership change in the African National Congress on government has become patently visible. The most important change was obviously manifested in the resignation of the President, three provincial premiers and a number of national Cabinet members, including the Minister for Provincial and Local Government.

Reviewing the Children's Act: Implications for local government
Author: Annette Christmas

The Children’s Amendment Act (Act 41 of 2007) was signed into law on 18 March this year. The Act, together with draft regulations recently published for public comment, represents the final step in the arduous, ten-year journey of reviewing the Child Care Act.

The power to preside over disciplinary appeals
Author: Douglas Singiza

The Constitution provides that “everyone has a right to administrative action that is lawful, reasonable and procedurally fair”. This entitlement extends to municipal employees and must therefore be reflected in municipal labour and administrative practices.