From the Courts: Respecting electoral rules a ‘must’ for political parties.
Electoral Commission of the Republic of South Africa v Inkatha Freedom Party (CCT 33/11) [2011] ZACC 16 (10 May 2011)
Located in
Previous Bulletins
Volume 13, Issue 3, September 2011.
From the Courts: Setting Tarrifs, The Duty to Consult.
The introduction of new rates tariffs by a municipality is rarely ever greeted without public debate – or, in some instances, even conflict. In this case, the ...
Located in
Previous Bulletins
Volume 12, Issue 1, March 2010.
From the Courts: Settling Municipal Debts: Preference in the case of Insolvency.
In March 2006, the Supreme Court of Appeal handed down a decision that sets an important precedent in respect of the preference given to municipal debts in ...
Located in
Previous Bulletins
Volume 8, Issue 2, May 2006.
From the Courts: Sewerage Charges Based on Property Value and Usage
At the end of 2005, the Supreme Court of Appeal made a ruling on the question of whether sewerage charges should be based on the value of the property or on ...
Located in
Previous Bulletins
Volume 8, Issue 1, March 2006.
From the Courts: Suing for Charges
Eastern Cape Metropolitan Substructure v Peter Klein Investments (Pty) Ltd 2001 (4) BCLR 344 9 (W)
Located in
Previous Bulletins
Volume 3, Issue 3, September 2001
From the Courts: The cart before the horse? An award of tender contracts before legal compliance?
Diggers Development (Pty) Ltd v City of Matlosana and Isago@N12 (Pty) Ltd (47201/09) [2010] ZAGPPHC 15.
Located in
Previous Bulletins
Volume 12, Issue 3, August 2010.
From the Courts: The Constitution, By-laws and Billboards- City of Cape Town v Ad Outpost (Pty) 2000 (2) BCLR 130 (C)
City of Cape Town's By-law 1959 of 1966 requires any person, intending to display a sign, to make a written application for prior approval by the municipality. ...
Located in
Previous Bulletins
Volume 2, Issue 2, June 2000
From the Courts: The end of administrative autonomy over individual staff appointments.
Manana v King Sabata Dalindyebo Municipality (345/09) [2010] ZASCA 144 (25 November 2010).
Located in
Previous Bulletins
Volume 13, Issue 2, July 2011.
From the Courts: The Municipal Manager Supervisory Role Over Bid Committees.
Bid committees can be described as the engine rooms that give effect to a municipalities’ supply chain management policy. The work of these committees is ...
Located in
Previous Bulletins
Volume 11, Issue 2, April/May 2009
From the Courts: The Right To Water: A Matter of Dignity.
According to the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, "Water is life, sanitation is dignity" Water, as a human right, is essential to sustain life, ...
Located in
Previous Bulletins
Volume 10, Issue 2, April/ May 2008.