Volume 3, Issue 3, September 2001

Aspirant Metropolitan Municipalities: Prospects, Problems and Requirements

When the Municipal Demarcation Board demarcated the boundaries of municipalities in 1999/2000, it identified some areas in the country as aspirant metropolitan areas. These are areas that are at that point in time substantially complied with s significant number of the prescribed criteria for metropolitan areas, but not to the extent that they could have been declared metropolitan areas.

From SALGA: Roles of Political Office-Bearers

The national workshop on the roles and responsibilities of political office-bearers in Mogale City on 29 and 30 August was the culmination of a series of provincial workshops on the roles and responsibilities of mayors and speakers.

Legal Briefs: Municipal Staff Member on a Ward Committee?

With the enactment and implementation of the Municipal Demarcation Act, Municipal Structures Act and Municipal Systems Act, the new dispensation for local government has firmly taken root. Are old order ordinances still applicable?