Foundation for Human Rights Initiative - Paralegal Service

The Foundation for Human Rights Initiative (FHRI) is an independent, non-governmental, non-partisan and not-for-profit human rights advocacy organization established in December 1991.

Foundation for Human Rights Initiative covers civil and political as well as economic, social and cultural rights as defined in international human rights covenants.

Activities include public education, capacity building, strengthening collaboration with grass root structures, strategic partnerships, media campaigns, mass empowerment, research, monitoring, documentation and reporting, as well as strategic litigation and legislative analysis, review and advocacy.

FHRI has a Legal Services Division, which provides legal advice services to poor and vulnerable persons, as well as alternative dispute resolution and litigation. 

Community paralegals were also trained to sustain the project through continued provision of on-the-spot legal advice. There has also been replication of the training and sharing of information among communities through peer-training sessions.