Formalising the role of paralegals in Africa: A review of legislative and policy developments
Paralegals have an important role to play in criminal justice systems throughout Africa. In many countries the effective use of paralegals is inhibited by a ...
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Guinea paralegals detained and intimidated
Human Rights Watch called on the Guinean government to investigate the role of two high-level officials in the apparent illegal detention and intimidation of ...
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Innovative Efforts, Proven Results: How Timap for Justice Provides Legal Aid in Sierra Leone
In 2009, Timap for Justice began an innovative project to provide frontlinel legal assistance to pretrial detainees, using local community members who have ...
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Lawyer at the Police Station Door: How REPLACE Provides Legal Aid in Nigeria
The central element of the project, the Police Duty Solicitors Scheme (PDSS), sought to reduce the excessive use of pretrial detention by providing free legal ...
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Paralegal Alliance Network (PAN)
Paralegal Alliance Network (PAN) is a network of Zambian non governmental organisations (NGOs).
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Prison Fellowship Liberia
Chartered in 1989, Prison Fellowship Liberia seeks to provide help and healing for prisoners throughout the country. With the help of volunteers, education and ...
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Recent Publications: Ernest Ojukwu et al Handbook on Prison Pre-trial Detainee Law Clinic
This book review was published in AHRLJ Volume 13 No 2 2013. The Handbook is a useful tool for navigating the relatively new idea of pre-trial law clinics in ...
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Sex worker paralegals
Former sex workers affiliated to the Sisonke Sex Worker's Movement have been trained as paralegals by the Women's Legal Centre to provide paralegal advice and ...
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Who are paralegals and what do they do in relation to pre-trial detention?
Paralegals are people with some legal training who offer basic legal advice, education and assistance, especially to those who have been arrested and are held ...
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Les Mêmes Droits Pour Tous (MDT)
(Same Rights for Everyone) Contact: mdtguinee@yahoo.fr
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African Countries