
Campaign to repeal outdated offences launched
Author: Jean
Published: 18 Apr 2012
At the 51st Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and People's Rights, Promoting Pre-trial Justice in Africa (PPJA) is launching a campaign for the repeal of outdated offences.
ACJR News News
'Kenya police detain and kill with impunity'
Author: Jean
Published: 11 Apr 2012
The Release Political Prisoners (RPP) Trust, a lobby group, claims to have documented at least 35 cases of extra-judicial killings committed since December 2011.
Kenya ACJR News News
New Malawi President fires Police Chief
Author: Jean
Published: 10 Apr 2012
Human rights groups welcomed the decision by Joyce Banda, who succeeded Bingu wa Mutharika on Saturday 7 March after his death from a heart attack.
ACJR News News Malawi
CSPRI Researcher writes comment on prominent 'torture' case
Author: Berber
Published: 25 Mar 2012
On 25 March, Clare Ballard wrote an opinion editorial on a case being heard by the North Gauteng High Court, in which the Southern African Litigation Centre (SALC) and the Zimbabwean Exiles Forum have applied for the review of the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) and the South African Police Services' decision not to investigate or prosecute Zimbabwean officials, resident in South Africa from time to time, for alleged act of torture carried out on MDC supporters in March 2007.
ACJR News News
Malawi Human Rights Commissioner Arrested, Police Crackdown
Author: Jean
Published: 20 Mar 2012
John Kapito, the Chairperson of the Malawi Human Rights Commission, was detained on Friday 16 March by eight policemen who accused him of possessing guns, holding seditious meetings and printing seditious T-shirts, which insulted President Bingu wa Mutharika. On Sunday security forces prevented people from attending an opposition meeting, leading to violence.
ACJR News News Malawi