'Kenya police detain and kill with impunity'

The Release Political Prisoners (RPP) Trust, a lobby group, claims to have documented at least 35 cases of extra-judicial killings committed since December 2011.

A draft RPP Trust report say in almost all cases, victims died of multiple gunshots to the head by a high calibre weapon believed to belong to the police.

All Africa reports that the RPP draft claims police have taken over the control of matatu (taxi) routes previously ran by gangs. They are allegedly cooperating with the new Saccos (member-owned financial co-operatives) to identify and execute ex-gang members.

The draft report says particular police officers believed to carry out these executions operate openly and are known by their nicknames in their areas of operation.

"The pattern of killings involves profiling of young, mainly Kikuyu men from Nairobi, Central and parts of North Rift and Eastern provinces. The men are arrested and held in police stations and are then subsequently killed and their bodies dumped in particular sites," it says.

In all the cases documented, RPP says there is no person who has been held to account. The are no ongoing investigations or prosecutions either.

It says police routinely threaten families and witnesses to these killings. In at least one case, a witness was abducted and killed. "Police consistently deny any involvement in these killings but have yet to identify any other perpetrator or offer any credible explanation," it says.

The draft report lists all 35 victims starting with 29-year-old Kenneth Irungu, a witness into the abduction and murder of his two cousins. Irungu was abducted on March 11th last year and killed in Oloitoktok.

On his murder, RPP has recommended the investigation of the crew of Forward Travelers Sacco Matatu number KBK 334J as well as the Ruiru police.

The organization also want Kinyago, Kayole, Kiamumbi, Kabete, Kikuyu, Dandora, Gigiri, Kiambu police stations probed over alleged involvement in the executions.