Provincial and local government and policing: the draft South African Police Service (SAPS) Amendment Bill 2020
- Provincial and local government and policing: the draft South African Police Service (SAPS) Amendment Bill 2020
- 2020-11-11T10:00:00+02:00
- 2020-11-11T11:00:00+02:00
- 11 November 2020: This webinar will explore and reflect on the provisions of the draft SAPS Amendment Bill 2020 which impact upon the role of provincial and local government in policing and law enforcement in South Africa.
- What ACJR Event
- When 11 Nov, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM (Africa/Johannesburg / UTC200)
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Provincial and local government and policing: the draft SAPS Amendment Bill The 1996 Constitution of South Africa represents a political compromise. Compared to the Interim Constitution of 1993, the Constitution of 1996 saw almost complete centralisation of a national South African Police Service (SAPS) under national government, despite some prior limited devolution of policing to the former so-called “homelands and independent states” prior to 1994. Some policing-related powers and functions for provincial and local government nevertheless remained. Provinces have limited oversight-type functions, while local government may enforce traffic laws and bye-laws. The Constitution also permits the establishment of municipal police via national legislation. The draft SAPS Act Amendment Bill 2020, emanating from the national Civilian Secretariat for the Police Service, addresses a wide range of policing issues ranging from important shifts in policing policy to the more mundane updating of nomenclature. However, some of the proposed provisions impinge on the powers, functions and obligations of the provinces and of local government. The proposed changes appear to represent a response to policy resolutions of the ruling African National Congress, including the 52nd national conference resolution calling for ‘a single national police service’. This webinar will explore and reflect on the provisions of the Bill which impact upon the role of provincial and local government in policing and law enforcement, in the light of the growing body of evidence indicating that local and provincial governments are increasingly attempting to address the safety concerns of citizens, where SAPS fails to do so. Jean Redpath completed her PhD on the topic of the role of sub-national government in policing in South Africa in 2020. She will provide a brief input and then invite discussion from participants. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. |