Kituo cha Sheria (KITUO): The Centre for Legal Empowerment
KITUO was established in 1973 as a legal aid and empowerment centre.
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Legal Resources Foundation
Legal Resources Foundation Trust (LRF) is an independent, not-for-profit Kenyan civil society organization that promotes access to justice through human rights ...
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Muslims for Human Rights
The Kenyan Organisation Muslims for Human Rights comprises four main projects, one of which is "Access to Justice" : Prisons Reform.
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Penal Code of Kenya (1930)
Revised Edition (2009)
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Penal Procedure Code of Kenya (1930)
Revised Edition (2009)
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Republic versus Danson Mgunya and Kassim Sheebwana Mohamed
".. a murder suspect has a Constitutional Right to be released on bail. This is an inalienable right and can only be restricted by the court if there are ...
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Resource Oriented Development Initiative
Resource Oriented Development Initiative (RODI) Kenya aims to reduce crime and re-offending by training school pupils and prisoners in organic agriculture, ...
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The socio-economic impact of pre-trial detention in Kenya, Mozambique and Zambia
Presentation by Lukas Muntingh
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US Department of State Human Rights Report: Kenya 2012
"Lengthy pretrial detention continued to be a serious problem and contributed to overcrowding in prisons. Some defendants served more than the statutory term ...
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Solitary Confinement - A review of the legal framework and practice in five African countries
This report investigates the legal frameworks of five African countries (Kenya Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa and Zambia) as they relate to the use of ...