Eviction - the right not to be evicted without an order of court after considering all the relevant circumstances - the effect of this guarantee on statutory provisions empowering local authorities to evacuate areas in certain circumstances – provision of alternative accommodation.
Eviction - the right not to be evicted without an order of court after considering all the relevant circumstances - the effect of this guarantee on statutory provisions empowering local authorities to evacuate areas in certain circumstances – provision of alternative accommodation.
Right to property - evictions - obligations of the state - rights of landowners - damages. Modder East Squatters, Greater Benoni City Council and Modderklip Boerdery (Pty) Ltd, SCA 187/03 and President of the Republic of South Africa, The Minister of Safety and Security, The Minister of Agriculture and Land Affairs, The National Commissioner of Police and Modderklip Boerdery (Pty) LTD, SCA 213/03
The ambit of the Prevention of Illegal and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act 19 of 1998 (PIE) in respect of whether ex-tenants and ex-mortgagers fall within the definition of 'unlawful occupier' for purposes of this Act, and whether this class of occupiers warrants its substantive and procedural protection in the context of eviction proceedings.