Volume 6, Issue 2, May 2004

Counting the Cents: Municipal Budgets and Mayors Responsibilities Under the MFMA.
Author: Geraldine Mettler
A new era has dawned in municipal finances with the enactment of the Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003. The main objective of the MFMA is to ensure sound and sustainable financial management. In short the MFMA will pave the way for three year budget planning on capital appropriations.
lgb-supervision Local Government Bulletin lgb-municipal-revenue lgb-governance
From the Courts: Is There a Right to View?
Author: Fiona Ogle
Though there is no common law right to a view, the case of Paolo v Jeeva N.O and Others 2004 (1) SA 396 SCA has led to the perception among the public that certain laws do protect an existing view. As a result of media coverage, it is widely believed that section 7 of the National Buildings Regulations and Building Standards Act obliges a municipality to refuse any building plan for a building that will interfere with the view of an adjoining property.
lgb-municipal-administration lgb-powers-functions Local Government Bulletin lgb-infrastructure
Gender and the Budget.
Author: Geraldine Mettler
While budgets have been instrumental in transmitting and reproducing gender biases, they also offer the possibility for transforming existing gender inequalities. It is important to note that a gender budget is not a separate budget for gender activities and issues, rather, it is the normal budget from a gender perspective or analysed through a gender lens.
Local Government Bulletin lgb-idp-budget lgb-policy-framework lgb-governance
Responsibilites of Municipal Managers: The Municipal Finance Management Act
Author: Adv Jan F Koekemoer
The Municipal Finance Management Act is a very prescriptive piece of legislation and should not be read piecemeal, but worked through as a whole. Many chapters and sections are inter-related. For example, the duties of the municipal manager and the accounting officer of the municipality are not found in only one chapter but are scattered throughout the Act.
lgb-supervision Local Government Bulletin lgb-policy-framework lgb-governance
Securing Woman's Participation in Local Government
Author: Geraldine Mettler
Local Government is the sphere of government that is regarded as being closest to the people. Municipalities are instrumental in providing basic services to communities. Woman are often the main consumers of these services due to the caregiver role they play and are thus likely to feel the impact of local government the most.
lgb-municipal-administration Local Government Bulletin lgb-establishment-demarcation-elections lgb-idp-budget
Woman's Role in India's Village Councils
Author: George Mathew
India was one of the first countries to introduce a mandatory quota system to enhance woman's representation in government. What is unique about the Indian system is that the quota is also applicable to top positions in government, and a third of all mayors in India today are woman. South Africa can learn from India's experience in order to create a more equitable environment for woman.
Local Government Bulletin lgb-establishment-demarcation-elections lgb-policy-framework lgb-governance