Volume 1, Issue 3, September 1999

The Right to Equal Treatment by a Municipality

The immense importance of the principle of equality in this country is reflected in the very first section of the Constitution in which it is stated that the achievement of equality is one of the founding values of the Republic. Local authorities in particular, have been subjected to many court cases in which their acts or legislative provisions, whether they concerned property or electricity, rates, zoning conditions or even dog licenses, have been alleged to be in conflict with the equality clause.

From the Provinces: Planning and Development

The provinces of KwaZulu-Natal and Western Cape have taken the lead in promulgating their planning and development planning legislation which is intended to set the pace and provide the context within which planning should take place in the respective provinces both on provincial and municipal level.

Municipal Systems Bill: Erecting the Third Pillar

On 6 August 1999, Minister Mufamadi published the Local Government: Municipal Systems Bill, 1999 for public comment. The Bill. after due consideration of any comments, should enter the parliamentary process by the end of October 1999 at which stage the public will be given a further opportunity, in the form of public hearings, to make representations.