Michael Sutcliffe - Municipal Demarcation Board
Over the past two months the Municipal Demarcation Board has focused on the following: Developing a framework within which the demarcation process would occur before the 2000 elections: Building an institutional base for the board: Finally, developing relationships with stakeholders and role-players. This report briefly outlines key aspects each of these.
https://admin.dullahomarinstitute.org.za/multilevel-govt/local-government-bulletin/@@site-logo/DOI001 Logo-rgb.png
Michael Sutcliffe - Municipal Demarcation Board
Over the past two months the Municipal Demarcation Board has focused on the following: Developing a framework within which the demarcation process would occur before the 2000 elections: Building an institutional base for the board: Finally, developing relationships with stakeholders and role-players. This report briefly outlines key aspects each of these.