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Isishwankathelo seEngcebiso ezenzelwe umZantsi Afrika ezivela kwiKomiti yeZizwe eziManyeneyo yaMalungelo eZoqoqosho, eZentlalo neNkcubeko Isishwankathelo seEngcebiso ezenzelwe umZantsi Afrika ezivela kwiKomiti yeZizwe eziManyeneyo yaMalungelo eZoqoqosho, eZentlalo neNkcubeko

UMnqophiso waMazwe ngaMazwe waMalungelo eZoqoqosho, eZentlalo kunye neNkcubeko (uMnqophiso) sisivumelwano samalungelo abantu samazwe ngamazwe sombutho waMazwe aManyeneyo (i-UN). Samkelwa ngomhla we-10 kuDisemba 1966 saza saqalisa ukusebenza ngomhla wesi-3 kuJanyuwari 1976. Lo Mnqophiso ukhusela intlaninge yamalungelo ezoqoqosho, ezentlalo nenkcubeko (amalungelo ezentlalo nawoqoqosho). Uhlangene noMnqophiso waMazwe ngaMazwe waMalungelo eZoluntu neZopolitiko (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights - ICCPR), nowamkelwa ngaxeshanye, lo Mnqophiso usisiseko somthetho wamalungelo abantu wamazwe ngamazwe kwaye watyikitywa ngamazwe ali-169 ehlabathini liphela. Onke amazwe aseAfika, ngaphandle kweBotswana, iMozambique neSouth Sudan, atyikitya kwaye ke ngoko abophelelekile kulo Mnqophiso. UMzantsi Afrika wawutyikitya lo Mnqophiso ngomhla we-12 kuJanyuwari 2015.

Opsomming van Aanbevelings vir Suid-Afrika deur die Verenigde Nasies se Komitee oor Ekonomiese, Maatskaplike en Kulturele Regte Opsomming van Aanbevelings vir Suid-Afrika deur die Verenigde Nasies se Komitee oor Ekonomiese, Maatskaplike en Kulturele Regte

Die Internasionale Verbond oor Ekonomiese, Maatskaplike en Kulturele Regte (die Verbond) is ’n internasionale menseregteverdrag van die Verenigde Nasies (VN). Dit is op 10 Desember 1966 aanvaar en het op 3 Januarie 1976 van krag geword. Die Verbond beskerm ’n wye reeks ekonomiese, maatskaplike en kulturele regte (sosioekonomiese regte). Saam met die Internasionale Verbond oor Burgerlike en Politieke Regte (ICCPR), wat terselfdertyd aanvaar is, vorm die Verbond die hoeksteen van internasionale wetgewing oor menseregte. Dit is reeds deur 169 lande regoor die wêreld onderskryf en bekragtig. Alle Afrikalande, met die uitsondering van Botswana, Mosambiek en Suid-Soedan, het die Verbond bekragtig en is dus tot die handhawing daarvan verbind. Suid-Afrika het die Verbond op 12 Januarie 2015 bekragtig.

Summary of Recommendations for South Africa from the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Summary of Recommendations for South Africa from the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Covenant) is an international human rights treaty of the United Nations (UN). It was adopted on 10 December 1966 and came into force on 3 January 1976. The Covenant protects a wide range of economic, social and cultural rights (socio-economic rights). Together with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which was adopted at the same time, the Covenant forms the cornerstone of international human rights law and has been ratified by 169 countries around the world. All African countries, except Botswana, Mozambique and South Sudan, have ratified and are therefore bound by the Covenant. South Africa ratified the Covenant on 12 January 2015.

Report back: International Conference on 2019 National and Provincial Elections

On 25 April 2019, the SARChI Chair, Dullah Omar Institute, and Department of Political Studies (UWC) held an International Conference focusing on National and Provincial Elections of 8 May 2019. The key questions at the conference were: Populism, provincialism, womxn, and election credibility The national and provincial elections of 8 May 2019 are regarded by many as the most important since the first democratic elections of 1994. Four key questions were addressed by four panels of experts, with some placed in an international comparative perspective. This event was part of a series of roundtables on human rights and democracy.

Legal Framework for SOE Boards Legal Framework for SOE Boards

This research report is examining the law on appointing SOE Boards. This is informed by a need for greater transparency and quality in these appointments. The research shows that the legal and policy framework for these appointments needs urgent reform.

AI and Law Seminar Report - Quo Vadis Law and Government in the Digital Age? AI and Law Seminar Report - Quo Vadis Law and Government in the Digital Age?

Artificial intelligence and big data are rapidly transforming the institutional relationship between the individual, the state, the market, the nature of work and the law across the board in fundamental, unpredictable ways. What impact the digital transformation will have on the role and function of “law” and “government” as basic social institutions is unforeseeable.

Measuring municipal financial distress Measuring municipal financial distress

What is municipal financial distress? When is a municipality in distress? How does financial distress relate to financial crisis that requires external intervention?

The Municipal Audit Consistency Barometer Fourth Edition (2011/12-2015/16) The Municipal Audit Consistency Barometer Fourth Edition (2011/12-2015/16)

The Municipal Audit Consistency Barometer (MAC-B) uses data published by the AuditorGeneral to measure consistency in municipal compliance with national audit standards over a five-year period. One of six possible consistency ratings is awarded to every municipality based on the audit outcome which it consistently obtained in a given five-year period.