'Libya's Prisons under militia control'

The BBC and other news agencies have reported that many Libyan prisons have falled under the control of an array of different military councils and brigades, with abuses such as beating occurring.

Detainees in these prisons include Nigerians and other Africans detained on immigration rules, people who claimed to have been originally detained by pro-government forces, and others who claim to have been detained because they are thought to have been pro-government.

The Acting Justice Minister was quoted by the BBC as saying, ""I can assure you that these things are not organised. Maybe the abuses are the actions of individuals, not more," he said. "Our revolution was carried out because we want human rights, so we cannot permit these things."

Amnesty International has acknowledged the major challenges facing Libya's new authorities, but has urged them to ensure that continued abuse does not "stain the new Libya's human rights record".