
Second anniversary of death of victim of police brutality which lead to protests and toppling of Mubarak
Author: Jean
Published: 06 Jun 2012
June 6, 2012 marks the second anniversary of the death of 28-year-old Alexandrian Khaled Said, tortured to death by Egyptian police. His death lead to protests culminating in the toppling of Mubarak's regime. In October 2011, two Egyptian police officers were found guilty of manslaughter and sentenced to seven years in prison for beating Said to death.
Launch of the Report on Children in Prison in South Africa
Author: Gwen
Published: 30 May 2012
On 28 May, Lukas Muntingh and Clare Ballard launched CSPRI's latest research report during a workshop held in Cape Town. The report is an update to the situational analysis of the children in prison in South Africa. The launch brought together many stakeholders in the field of child justice and allowed for interesting exchanges on the current challenges faced by children in conflict with the law.
ACJR News News
"Corruption" judge appointed to reduce delays
Author: Jean
Published: 30 May 2012
Raising constitutional issues leads to delays in corruption cases; appointment of High Court judge to deal with these matters is hoped to reduce delays.
Botswana ACJR News News
Algerian prisons seek to educate
Author: Jean
Published: 17 May 2012
ANSAmed reports on the strategies of the Algerian Penitentiary Administration in seeking to educate its youthful detainees.
ACJR News Algeria News
Malik Medjnoune finally released
Author: Jean
Published: 05 May 2012
Malik Medjnoune was held for 12 years in pre-trial detention until international pressure from Amensty International and Alkarama, an Arab human rights organisation, forced a one-day "trial" in July 2011. He was released in May 2012, having served the full 12 years of the sentence handed down.
ACJR News Algeria News
Commander of Mozambique police: "Detention laws don't apply to arrested police officials"
Author: Jean
Published: 01 May 2012
The police "do not obey any judge", but follow their own internal regulations when it comes to detentions of police officers, General Commander of the Mozambican police, Jorge Khalau said in the northern city of Nampula about the detention of the Nacala district police commander, Adriano Muianga.
News ACJR News Mozambique
Submission to the 51st Ordinary Session of the ACHPR
Author: Berber
Published: 18 Apr 2012
On 18 April 2012, the Community Law Centre delivered a submission to the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights. The submission dealt with three issues, namely compliance with the Robben Island Guidelines, domestic oversight over places of detention and limiting the use of pre-trial detention.
ACJR News News