Egyptian civilians tried in military courts released

Fair trials not provided by military courts; civilians released

The Egyptian Personal Freedom Protection Committee (PFP committee) was formed in terms of presidential decree 5 of 2012, in connection with reviewing the sentences issued by the military courts, against civilians, from January 25, 2011 to June 30, 2012, the date on which power was handed over to President Mohamed Morsi.

The military trials did not ensure adequate defence of those being tried and did not ensure a fair trial. The decree also calls for the reviewing of civil courts' sentences against protesters.

The Interior Ministry's prisons department released 572 civilians who were tried in military courts as ordered by President Mohamed Mursi, reported the Middle East News Agency on 23 July 2012.

A security source said that while 457 will be let free immediately, 115 will remain in police stations for their involvement in other cases. The source stated that Mursi's decision includes reducing the sentence of 16 civilians tried in military courts.

According to Mahmoud Fawzi, head of the PFP committee dedicated, some 11, 879 civilians were tried in military courts following Mubarak's ouster of which 9, 714 have been released.