CSPRI works with LRF and RODI-KENYA on pre-trial audit

In June and July 2015 CSPRI worked with the Legal Resources Foundation (LRF) - Kenya, and Resource Oriented Development Initiative (RODI) toward commencing their work for Kenya's National Council on the Administration of Justice.

The project aims to be the first ever comprehensive audit in Kenya of it kind of the criminal justice system from the pre-trial detention perspective. 

In early June the partners visited the Nyeri courts, police station, men's and women's prison, remand children's home, and the psychiatric wing of the Nyeri hospital in order to understand the kinds of data kept by these institutions. CSPRI developed data collection tools based on the findings of this study which were then pre-tested and revised in late June. 

In July the partners visited Nakaru courts, police station, men's and women's prison and remand children's home and CSPRI carried out practical training on sampling and data collection with the fieldworkers from LRF and RODI. The data collection tools were also refined.

RODI and LRF intend to commence  the data collection in 15 counties in August 2015.