CSPRI makes comprehensive submssion to Parliament on the Correctional Services Budget Vote

The submission deals with three broad issues: alignment between the Strategic Plan and the budget; creating safer prisons, and rehabilitation and reintegration.

The CSPRI submission presents a number of examples showing that budget allocations are not rooted in policy positions. One such example is the emphasis on hi-tech security solutions (e.g. inmate tracking devices) whereas the White Paper emphasises dynamic security exercised by staff in a unit management system.

This submission presents research findings on creating safer prisons, arguing that a holistic approach is necessary. In this regard, the management approach is key, as the research findings have established that control-based approaches increase the risk of violence, while consensual approaches have yielded
better results.

The submission sets out good practice principles for effective programmes as well as what has been demonstrated not to be effective. There is little evidence that current DCS programmes adhere to these good practice principles.

Read the full submission here.