The submission analyses statistics on deaths in custody and medical parole releases. An overview of legislative provisions is provided and recommendations are made in order to achieve greater consistency in decision-making.
This submission focuses on the prevention and combating of torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment within the context of the Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse Bill [B12- 2008]. The overall objective is to promote the use of two international instruments (UNCAT and OPCAT) and, more specifically, to assist in creating the enabling legislation to give effect to section 12 of the Constitution.
This submission is made to the South African Portfolio Committee on Justice and Constitutional Development and addresses the Criminal Law (Sentencing) Amendment Bill [B15 of 2007]
This submission was made in response to South Africa's Department of Correctional Services tabling of its 2008/09 budget. It addressed the size of the prison population, the seven-day establishment, the PPPs, and the implementation of the White Paper on Corrections.
The submission focuses on deaths and assaults in prisons and calls for the criminalisation of torture.
The submission on the Children's Amendment Bill focuses on the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) and the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture (OPCAT), and their applicability to the Children’s Amendment Bill.
This submission to the South African Department of Justice and Constitutional Development deals with the Implementation Plans for the Victim’s Charter with a focus on the status of, and services to victims of torture, particularly in places of detention. It addresses redress for victims of torture and victim participation in parole board hearings.
The submission deals with the following: the strategic plan; real and nominal values in the budget; size of the prison population; privatisation; prison construction programme; low spending on the rehabilitation programmes; and community corrections.
This submission deals with the Department of Correctional Services Budget Vote 2007.
The submission was made in response to South Africa's initial report to CAT and focused on the criminalisation of torture and conditions (including allegations of torture) in South Africa's prisons.
The submission deals with three broad themes in relation to the budget and strategic plan, namely achievements of the DCS, areas of concern, and reporting.