Archived Newsletters

30 Days/Dae/Izinsuku November 2008

This issue has South African media reports on the topics: Governance and Corruption; Unsentenced prisoners; Security & Escapes; Parole & Sentencing; Conditions of Detention; and Media reports from other African countries.

30 Days/Dae/Izinsuku October 2008

The October's media reports included: Clive Derby-Lewis' parole application; Increase in TB infection of nurses at Pollsmoor; National Commissioner of Correctional Services shifted to Sports; Correctional Services Minister welcomes new DG; UN Human Rights Commissioner says prison should be reserved for serious criminals; And many more newspaper articles.

30 Days/Dae/Izinsuku September 2008

Media articles focussed on: Whistleblowers at C-Max; Prisons overcrowding affects community - CSPRI; Medical parole discussed; Cell-phones confiscated from awaiting trial prisoners in a maximum security prison; Prisoners' rights activist imprisoned for eight years; Book on human rights in African prisons launched; Download the full 30 Days/ Dae/ Izinsuku below for more newspaper articles from other African countries.

30 Days/Dae/Izinsuku August 2008

Media reports are on the following topics: Sentencing; Governance And Corruption; Unsentenced Prisoners; Prison Conditions; Parole And Medical Parole; Prison Labour; and prison-related reports in Other African Countries.

30 Days/Dae/Izinsuku July 2008

South African media reports on the following: Prison officials investigated for tender fraud scandal; Pan Africanist Congress suspected of taking bribes from prisoners to facilitate pardons; Child Justice Bill promoting non-custodial punishments tabled in Parliament; Awaiting-trial prisoners account for prison overcrowding - at over 300% in some facilities; Fears of a strike rise over pay deal delay; And many articles on other African countries.

30 Days/Dae/Izinsuku June 2008

The media articles report on the following topics: awaiting trial prisoners; prison overcrowding; sentencing and parole; prisoner's rights; security and escapes; and rehabilitation.

30 Days/Dae/Izinsuku May 2008

The media reports in this issue include: Lawyer reminds court of appalling prison conditions; Awaiting-trial prisoner admitted to a private clinic after assault; Police officer to stand trial for allegedly interfering with evidence of parolee's breach of parole conditions; Department ordered to reinstate karate training in prison; Bail law is not the problem, researcher reminds ANC President; Judge optimistic that juvenile offender will be rehabilitated after 8 years.

30 Days/Dae/Izinsuku April 2008

Media reports in this issue include: Police officer allegedly tampered with Yengeni's blood sample; Torture in South Africa prisons remains a challenge, Human Rights Commission chief; Department to investigate the cause of prison gang violence; Prisoners awaiting trial for years because of lack of enough judges; Prisoner's relative suggests correctional supervision instead of imprisonment; Five new prisons will cost a lot more than estimated; Department discovers escape of internationally wanted criminal after 8 days.

30 Days/Dae/Izinsuku March 2008

Media reports in this issue include: Prisoners to be monitored electronically; Younger offenders should be sent for correctional supervision; Human Rights Commission criticises death penalty move; Awaiting-trial prisoner's lawyer unhappy with the postponement of client's trial; Awaiting-trial prisoners escape from a police van; Bill could reduce the age of babies living with imprisoned mothers; Department and Portfolio Committee disagree on private prisons; Department of Correctional Services recovers 22 million rand; Department of Correctional Services ordered to reinstate fired warder; Correctional Services Portfolio Committee chairperson says prisoners should be stripped of privileges; and many more newspaper articles on prison-related issues.

30 Days/Dae/Izinsuku February 2008

This issue contains media articles on: Children; Governance and Corruption; Prisoner's Rights; Trial & Sentencing; Overcrowding; Prison reform in other African countries.