Fact sheet 27: Sub-national law enforcement and oversight in four African countries: Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria, and Zambia | by Janelle MangwandaSub-national law enforcement (when properly organised) supplements the work of national police at a local level by strengthening community-police relations and allowing for the swift response to emergency situations. However, this is only possible if each local law enforcement agency has, amongst others, formal standardised training, independent budgets, and existing effective mechanisms for public complaints, oversight and monitoring. This Fact Sheet provides a situational analysis of sub-national law enforcement in two west African countries, one east African and one southern African country; namely, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, and Zambia and highlights some of the challenges present in each context, particularly with regards to enforcement targeted at those working within public spaces.https://admin.dullahomarinstitute.org.za/acjr/acjr-publications/acjr-factsheet-27-sub-national-law-enforcement-jm-final.pdf/viewhttps://admin.dullahomarinstitute.org.za/acjr/acjr-publications/acjr-factsheet-27-sub-national-law-enforcement-jm-final.pdf/@@download/image/Fact sheet 27.png
Fact sheet 27: Sub-national law enforcement and oversight in four African countries: Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria, and Zambia | by Janelle Mangwanda
Sub-national law enforcement (when properly organised) supplements the work of national police at a local level by strengthening community-police relations and allowing for the swift response to emergency situations. However, this is only possible if each local law enforcement agency has, amongst others, formal standardised training, independent budgets, and existing effective mechanisms for public complaints, oversight and monitoring. This Fact Sheet provides a situational analysis of sub-national law enforcement in two west African countries, one east African and one southern African country; namely, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, and Zambia and highlights some of the challenges present in each context, particularly with regards to enforcement targeted at those working within public spaces.