A5I - CLC statement at the 50th Ordinary Session of the ACHPR
This is the statement that the Community Law Centre (predecessor of the Dullah Omar Institute) and the Article 5 Initiative, a project of which CSPRI was part, ...
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ACAT Burundi
The Action by Christians for the abolition of torture in Burundi (ACAT Burundi) is a non-profit association whose mission is to fight for the respect of human ...
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ACAT Côte d’Ivoire
ACAT Côte d’Ivoire’s mission is to raise awareness, educate and train the population on human rights and more particularly on the abolition of torture and the ...
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Advice of the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture to States Parties and National Preventive Mechanisms relating to the Coronavirus Pandemic
Advice of the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture to States Parties and National Preventive Mechanisms relating to the Coronavirus Pandemic
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Amnesty report cites abuse of criminal justice in Cameroon
A new report by Amnesty claims the Cameroon authorities have engaged in unlawful killings and torture as the authorities seek to use the criminal justice ...
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Combating Torture: A Manual for Judges and Prosecutors
This manual outlines the duties and responsibilities of judges and prosecutors to prevent and investigate acts of torture, and other forms of ill-treatment, to ...
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Committee against Torture hears Delegation of Mauritius on implementation of the Convention
United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights media information record.
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Council of Europe - 2004 - European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment - The CPT Standards
The CPT is required to draw up every year a General Report on its activities, which is published. In a number of its General Reports the CPT has described some ...
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CSPRI submission to the UN Committee Against Torture on South Africa (15 May 2006).pdf
The submission was made in response to South Africa's initial report to CAT and focused on the criminalisation of torture and conditions (including allegations ...
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Desenvolvimentos na abordagem da tortura em Moçambique: Um relatório situacional
Este artigo avalia a evolução na prevenção e erradicação da tortura em Moçambique. Reportado por Tina Lorizzo e Vanja Petrovic
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