CSPRI Launch of "Children in Prison in South Africa"
The research report "Children in Prison in South Africa," is a situational analysis of children in both sentenced and remand detention facilities in the ...
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CSPRI Submission on the Strengthening of the Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services
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CSPRI Submission on the Strengthening of the Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services
The ability of the JICS to effectively promote and protect the rights of inmates depends on the extent to which it is independent of political and executive ...
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CSPRI submission Portfolio Committee on Correctional Services in respect of the Correctional Services Budget Vote (Vote 19)
The submission deals with the following: the strategic plan; real and nominal values in the budget; size of the prison population; privatisation; prison ...
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CSPRI Submission to the Portfolio Committee on Correctional Services on the Correctional Services Budget and Strategic Plan (Vote 20).pdf
The submission deals with three broad themes in relation to the budget and strategic plan, namely achievements of the DCS, areas of concern, and reporting.
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CSPRI Submission to the Portfolio Committee on Correctional Services on the Correctional Services Budget Vote 2009-10 Vote 18.pdf
The submission deals with the following: the size of the budget; the size of the prison population; Meeting the minimum standards of humane detention; ...
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CSPRI Submission to the Portfolio Committee on Correctional Services on the Correctional Services Budget Vote 2010-11 Vote 20.pdf
This submission focuses on five aspects of the budget vote: the budget in relation to other budgets; meeting the minimum standards of humane detention; the ...
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CSPRI submission to the UN Committee Against Torture on South Africa (15 May 2006).pdf
The submission was made in response to South Africa's initial report to CAT and focused on the criminalisation of torture and conditions (including allegations ...
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Curb the Vengeance: Laws on minimum sentencing and parole spell worsening prison conditions
Inspecting Judge for Prisons in South Africa, Judge Fagan, addresses the consequences that the minimum sentencing legislation passed in 1997 will have on ...
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