[Report] An assessment of the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) in South Africa
After signing the Optional Protocol to UNCAT (OPCAT) in 2006 and ratifying it in March 2019, South Africa designated a National Preventive Mechanism (NPM), ...
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ACJR Publications
[Webinar] Report Launch: COVID-19 restrictions and the impact on criminal justice and human rights - findings from five African countries [28 July 2022]
Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa & Zambia
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A decade awaiting trial draws to a close for South African treason trialists
Du Toit brothers arrested in 2002, found guilty in 2012.
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A Review of Civilian Oversight over Correctional Services in the Last Decade (Research Paper No. 4)
The restricted and hidden nature of the prison regime was dramatically apparent in apartheid South Africa, where prisons shunned outside scrutiny and ...
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A Review of the Judicial Inspectorate of Prisons of South Africa (Research Paper No. 7)
This paper reviews the effectiveness of the Judicial Inspectorate in fulfilling this mandate as an oversight structure. Report by Saras Jagwanth
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A Societal Responsibility: The role of civil society organisations in prisoner support, rehabilitation and reintegration
There is a growing number of civil society organisations in South Africa working with offenders and prisoners focusing on prisoner support, rehabilitation and ...
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A study of best practice in prison governance (Research Paper No. 9)
Despite the fact that the Department of Correctional Services has attracted significant media attention as a result of the Jali Commission's investigations, ...
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ACJR Powerpoint Presentation on the evaluation of the Independent Prison Visitors System
The presentation is a evaluation of the functions, interaction and effectiveness of the Independent Prison Visitors System (IPV system) in order to determine ...
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ACJR takes JICS delegation on an oversight study tour to London, UK
From 8 to 12 May 2017, ACJR staff Lukas Muntingh and Gwen Dereymaeker took a delegation of the South African Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services ...
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Additional material on A guide to the rights of inmates as described in the Correctional Services Act and Regulations (revised 2010).pdf
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