'You Don't Know Who To Blame: War Crimes in Somalia'
by Human Rights Watch. "...The population in areas controlled by the Transitional Federal Government and its allies has also been subjected to violations of ...
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Federal Republic of Somalia Draft Constitution
Harmonized Draft Constitution Signed by Signatories, Unofficial English Translation.
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Inhuman Sentencing of Children in Somalia
Draft report prepared for the Child Rights Information Network, March 2011
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New Provisional Somalian Constitution approved
On 1 August 2012 Somalia's 825-member National Constituent Assembly (NCA) approved a new constitution for the country by a large majority. Traditional elders, ...
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Puntland (Somalia) police shut down radio station and detain director
AllAfrica reports that armed police raided the premises of Radio Voice of Peace (Codka Nabada Radio) in Boosaaso on Saturday 3 March 2012, around 20h20 local ...
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Somali Transitional Charter
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This section contains a brief description of the legal system of Somalia.
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Treasure Mapped: Using Satellite Imagery to Track the Developmental Effects of Somali Piracy
by Dr Anja Shortland. Chatham House Africa Programme Paper: AFP PP 2012/01
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US Department of State Human Rights Report: Somalia 2012
"Other major human rights abuses included harsh and life-threatening prison conditions; arbitrary and politically motivated arrest and detention; denial of a ...
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