Constitutionality of Criminal Procedure and Prison Laws in Africa Kenya 2
Kenya’s 2010 Constitution is liberal with regard to the rights of persons in the country’s criminal justice system. Its notable novel provisions include the ...
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Constitutionality of Criminal Procedure and Prison Laws in Africa: Mozambique
This report looks at the constitutionality of criminal procedure and prison laws in Mozambique. The research aims at assessing and analysing the extent to ...
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Constitutionnalité des lois relatives à la procédure pénale et à la détention en Afrique: Côte d’Ivoire
A la suite de l'adoption de conventions internationales des droits de l'homme dans la deuxième moitié du dernier siècle et de nouvelles constitutions à la fin ...
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Conversation on the Criminal Justice System in West Africa
A look at the Criminal Justice System with Professor Chidi Odinkalu of the Open Society Justice Initiative. Published in October 2010 by West Africa Insight, ...
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Correlates of violence in Guinea’s Maison Centrale Prison: A statistical approach to documenting human rights abuses
by Ronald E Osborn, published in 'Health and Human Rights'. Les Mêmes Droits Pour Tous (MDT) is a human rights NGO in Guinea, West Africa that focuses on the ...
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Corruption in the prisons context
The point of departure of this paper is that corruption is a human rights issue, which is accentuated in the prison context given the nature of imprisonment. ...
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Còte d’Ivoire: challenges and pending questions a year after Ougadougou
This paper explores the progress and challenges for the positive advance of the peace process in Côte d’Ivoire.
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Egypt and the Age of the Triumphant Prison: Legal Punishment in 19th Century Egypt
by Rudolph Peters, University of Amsterdam Published in Annales Islamologiques, 36 (2002), pp. 253-285
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Electronic Monitoring of Pre-Trial Detainees of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
This report written by James Bergeron and published by the New England School of Law Rwanda Genocide Prosecution Project considers the question whether ...
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Equatorial Guinea Human Rights Watch Report
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