US Department of State Human Rights Report: Equatorial Guinea 2012
"Lengthy pretrial detention remained a problem, and many of those incarcerated were pretrial detainees; the exact number was unavailable. Although prison ...
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US Department of State Human Rights Report: Côte d'Ivoire 2012
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US Department of State Human Rights Report: Rwanda 2012
"The law provides for a presumption of innocence, but government officials did not always adhere to this in practice. The law requires defendants be informed ...
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US Department of State Human Rights Report: Tanzania 2012
"The constitution provides for an independent judiciary, but the judiciary remained underfunded, corrupt (see section 4), inefficient (especially in the lower ...
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US State Department Comoros 2012 Human Rights Report
"Pretrial detention was a problem. By law pretrial detainees can be held for only four months, but this period can be extended. Detainees routinely await trial ...
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Version authentique du Rapport de la Commission Nationale des droits de l'Homme sur les allégations de cas de torture faites par les personnes détenues dans le cadre de la procédure ouverte pour atteinte à la sûreté de l'Etat.
Version authentique du Rapport de la Commission Nationale des droits de l'Homme sur les allégations de cas de torture faites par les personnes détenues dans le ...
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Well Oiled: Oil and Human Rights in Equatorial Guinea
"Human Rights Watch has documented real or perceived government opponents’ experiences of abuse ranging from arbitrary arrest and detention without trial to ...
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Women in Pre-trial Detention in Africa
This is a publication of of the project 'Promoting Pre-trial Detention in Africa' (PPJA). The objective of this review is to explore existing literature in ...
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Zimbabwe at the Crossroads
by Takawira Musavengana, OpenSpace Issue 1 June 2011 page 28 "Security Sector - No transition without transformation"
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Zimbabwe Draft Constitution 17 July 2012
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