US Department of State Human Rights Report: Malawi 2012
"Defendants are presumed innocent and have the right to a public trial but not to a trial by jury. The Ministry of Justice continued its indefinite suspension ...
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US Department of State Human Rights Report: Mali 2012
"The law stipulates that charged prisoners must be tried within one year, but this limit frequently was exceeded, and lengthy pretrial detention was a problem. ...
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US Department of State Human Rights Report: Mauritania 2012
2012 Human Rights Report
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US Department of State Human Rights Report: Mauritius 2012
"Defendants enjoy a presumption of innocence, and trials are public. The law provides for the right to a fair trial and an independent judiciary generally ...
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US Department of State Human Rights Report: Morocco 2012
"Although the government claimed that accused persons were generally brought to trial within two months, prosecutors may request as many as five additional ...
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US Department of State Human Rights Report: Mozambique 2012
"Excessively long pretrial detention continued to be a serious problem, due in part to an inadequate number of judges and prosecutors and poor communication ...
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US Department of State Human Rights Report: Namibia 2012
"Lengthy pretrial detention remained a significant problem. In 2010 approximately 8 percent of the general prison population was awaiting trial. At Windhoek’s ...
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US Department of State Human Rights Report: Niger 2012
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US Department of State Human Rights Report: Nigeria 2012
"The constitution provides for public trials in the regular court system and individual rights in criminal and civil cases. The constitution does not provide ...
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US Department of State Human Rights Report: Republic of Congo 2012
"Lengthy pretrial detention due to judicial backlogs was a problem. Pretrial detainees continued to constitute three-fourths of the prison population. On ...
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